When updating Verse on Premises from version 1.0.7 to 1.0.8, the significant new feature is the ability to access server-based mail archives:
In our environment, we are using a dedicated, separate Domino server for mail archives, which is exposed to the internet using a webserver server name, that is different from the mail server name:
This requires a notes.ini to be set: iNotes_WA_UseRelativeUrl=1
Read more about this setting here:
In Verse on Premises, there is a link pointing to the mail archive, but it is using the user’s home mail server, rather than our dedicated, separate archive server:
which is causing an error: HTTP Web Server: File does not exist error 404 (https://http.cat/404)
The URL should instead be: https://mail-archive.acme.ch/MailArchive/a_user.nsf/verse
The following things need to be done to fix the issue:
#1 Verse everywhere:
In addition to the VoP installation on mail servers, VoP should also be installed on the mail archive Domino server https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SS4RQV_1.0.8/admin/topics/vop_configuring_server.html
#2 Redirecting the mail archive link using a webproxy
In our case we are using a HAProxy ALOHA cluster (a commercial flavor of the opensource software), which acts as load balancer/reverse proxy. It could be any other product.
Basically, the idea is to identify the incorrect requests, and redirect them to the correct URL:
If the server name is “mail.acme.ch” and the URI begins with “/MailArchive/”, redirect to the server name “mail-archive.acme.ch” using the same URI as requested.
After that, mail archives will open correctly from Verse on Premises, and will appear in the new Verse style:
If you are using local mail-archive (IBM Notes) please consider this blog post: http://alichtenberg.cz/verse-on-premises-1-0-8-unavailable-mail-db-archive/